Kamis, 22 Oktober 2020





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Powers :

  • Practical reaction time is about two times as fast as an average human being, and it is capable of moving its arms 70 feet per second (about 50 miles per hour) and its entire body at a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour.
  • Capable of operating at peak capacity for up to 4.5 hours before metal fatigue and motor circuitry failure may impair its functions.
  • Has a computer-aided laser interferometry guidance system that can be telemetrically overridden by its creators and a stand-alone personality-simulation program of 330 kilo-bites of information.
  • Has been programmed to fight like an American boxer.
  • Powered by a portable fusion generator, the Dreadnought possesses great strength, able to lift (press) about 10 tons or smash its way through a six-inch thick steel plate.
  • Hydra recently created a Dreadnought that used technology found in the Super-Adaptoid to adapt to the powers of superhumans. 







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